During his
time in North Africa and Italy, Eric received and sent many
letters to friends and other members of his family. Most of
these letters are lost but a few which were sent to him have
survivied and some are reproduced here.
The people who
sent them are described on the 'who's who' page.
18th August 1944 From Sister Mabel,
her Husband Harry and Daughter Bernice Dear Eric
It is Friday night and I have just finished some of my cleaning
so thought I would write you a few lines in answer to yours
that I received on August 3rd. It only took five days.
Bernice has just come down from Olive's. They are OK, also
mam is much better again. I expect you will have heard from
Olive that mam hadn't been well this week and had to have
the Doctor. I fetched her to our house Wednesday in holiday
week and she went up to your house on Monday.
The weather is lovely now, a bit too hot for me though (Don't
we take some satisfying). Holiday Tuesday we had quite
a nice day at Groby. You ought to have seen us all trotting
along. The sun didn't come out much until after tea so it
wasn't so bad walking in the morning.
Of course Michael had to start the morning off whilst getting
ready to do his biz in his pants and then he did it again
when we got to the pub yard at Groby, so you can just imagine
Olive saying a few words. In spite of everything we had a
good time and the kiddies were very good as usual.
We all sat and wished you were having a happy birthday and
so you were there in our thoughts. Harry managed to get a
pint and then the beer was off. It has been awful to get one
this holiday. They even queue for it. Harry would sooner go
without it though.
Peggy & Les, Kath & Connie, Nora, Alf, John &
Billy came over to us in the afternoon. They all went home
on the bus but Olive, Alf & myself (Michael in pram of
course) walked home. The sun was pouring down and we looked
like pickled beetroot when we reached home.
We went on the Abbey Park a few times. It was very nice on
there with the weather being so nice. We couldn't have picked
a better week.
Well Eric I will soon be having to draw to a close. Bernice
starts to work on Monday at Adderleys in the tailoring.
Isn't the war going on fine, I can see it finishing this
year now can't you? I bet some of the Nazis are beginning
to shake now. I hope they get a taste of their own medicine
at last.
Well Eric God Bless you and I hope you will soon be here
with us all again
From your loving brother sister and niece
Mabel Harry & Bernice.
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